Saturday, July 19, 2014


Maybe there is nothing
So real to me as my own
                  he said
through glass walls in his head, grinding
his guilt into his palms

like dust. It was dust
in his eyes. It

dust in his bloodstream.  But let me
be honest with

myself; let me be honest
with both of us. If there's nothing closer than


Glass can't hold anything back. On the other
hand if there is something like honest laughter spitting fire into night

I wouldn't want glass. Let me lean
                                                                  into the sparks.

There's dead skin
here that needs to be burnt off.

He scratched at the tattoo
on the back
                      of his hand:  saint paul holding a serpent.

It was biting his hand.
Deep, hot marks in his skin.

I'm giving up. I'm tired. It's too late.

                                                                                   She lit a cigarette and pressed it out
                                                                                                                     against the window pane.

I love you too.